Atkins diet plan is one of the famous low carb diets originally started and promoted by Dr Robert Atkins.
The main point of the Atkins diet is:
Reduce the carbohydrate intake and eat more protein and fats.
But now we'll take a closer look at it and make a little Atkins diet plan review - high protein low carb diet.
1) Restricted foods:

The intake of such products cantaining carbohydrates like bread, pasta, beans, cereals have to be lowered. The amount of it must be lowered to a minimum only to keep you filled fith enough energy and vitamins.
2) Primary foods:
In the Atkins diet plan you should eat more protein and fats. That means eating products like fresh cheese, nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

To maximize the effect of the Atkins diet it's recommended to divide it into the 3-4 phrases. It will be like moving from no carbohydrate intake to more and more products containing them. We will make a closer overview of these parts in the next posts.
This was the Atkins diet plan review - high protein low carb diet.
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